About the faculty

Established in 1988, the Faculty of Law (FdR) was the first faculty to offer its services at the University of Aruba. Since its establishment, more than 200 students have obtained their Master’s Degree in Aruban Law. A great number of these graduates have found employment in Aruba, while others have pursued further specialization in the Netherlands.

The Faculty of Law of the University of Aruba aims to provide Aruba with well-trained and highly qualified professionals in the area of Aruban law.

Mission and Vision


The UA Faculty of Law wants foremost to provide Aruban residents and Arubans abroad the opportunity to study in Aruba. The faculty has great potential to act as a “window to the world” for these students. It, therefore, aims to be an attractive choice for students with an Aruban background. The Faculty of Law also recognizes the need to pay attention to globalizing trends. Aruba is literally an island with its own legal system, but in a figurative sense, it cannot remain an island in a strongly globalizing world. It is therefore important that the Faculty of Law “brings the world in” by offering foreign students, teachers, and researchers an attractive choice to study in Aruba.

To this end, the Faculty of Law must continue to guarantee that it offers high-quality education, stimulates high-quality research, is visible and socially involved, and above all has the ambition to continuously improve. The Faculty of Law must furthermore draw its strength from and make optimum use of its specific context, in particular its small-scale, multi-ethnicity, multilingualism, and geographical location, with which it can build a bridge between Europe and the Americas. Her education and research must meet internationally recognized quality standards and be relevant for (inter) regional and (inter) national legal practice and the job market. It aims to offer its students optimal opportunities to become acquainted with (inter) regional and (inter) national legal practice and labor market, partly through encouraging students to study and intern abroad. Conversely, the faculty must also offer foreign students the opportunity to take non-Dutch courses and strive for a non-Dutch master’s degree. Strategic interregional and international partnerships with foreign legal faculties and research centers is essential to accomplishing this. In this way, the Faculty of Law wants to contribute to transforming the “brain drain” from Aruba into a “brain gain”.


The Faculty of Law of the University of Aruba focuses on high-quality education, research, and social services. In doing so, it makes use of the advantages that Aruba has to offer, namely its small-scale, multilingualism, geographical location, and history. The Faculty of Law highly values academic freedom and scientific integrity and promotes an education and research culture with a passion for science. Hereby she strives for the scientific and personal development of students and teachers. The Faculty of Law fulfills an indispensable function within Aruba as a knowledge institute in the field of law for the Aruban society. She is an important partner to the Aruban government, legal practice, and business. The faculty guarantees to be and to offer an independent platform for discussion about law and social issues in an atmosphere of social involvement. She considers herself an equal partner to foreign legal faculties and research centers that strive for high-quality legal scientific education and research.

Quality Assurance

Accreditation is a quality label that is granted formally by an independent authority to an academic and professional program that meets or exceeds required standards of educational quality. The UA invites the NVAO (Nederlands Vlaamse Accreditatieorganisatie) to evaluate its programs against international Bachelor and Master degree standards. The following study programs of the Faculty of Law have been awarded a positive evaluation. Click on the reports below to read the positive evaluations by NVAO (reports are in dutch).

    Contact Us

    Faculty of Law

    Phone: +297 526-2264
    J. Irausquin Plein 4
    Oranjestad, Aruba

    Academic programs

    About this study program

    As the first area of concentration at the University, the law program at UA is incredibly diverse. The Faculty of Law offers a full-time program as well as a part-time program to accommodate those who are working themselves through school.

    The Faculty of Law offers intensive, small-scale education, with room for optional courses, internships, and (funded) exchange opportunities with Dutch, European and American partner universities.

    Study program structure

    Study Resources and Downloads

    For all downloads, including study guides, schedules, book lists and more, please use the button below.

    Go to Study Resources

    International opportunities

    Students can complete part of the bachelor’s degree or master’s by following courses abroad.

    The Faculty of Law collaborates with a number of foreign universities to organize exchange programs based on the Erasmus+ mobility program and other non-Erasmus exchange.

    If you don’t study in Aruba but wish to take courses at the UA Faculty of Law, you might be eligible to do an exchange program at our university.

    Contact the Office of International Affairs for more information

    Partner institutions

    The Faculty of Law of the University of Aruba has exchange programs with a number of foreign universities on basis of the Erasmus+ program, such as Maribor University (Slovenia), University of Valladolid (Segovia, Spain) and KU Leuven (Belgium).

    Explore our Partner Institutions

    Faculty dean and vice-dean

    “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” ~ Martin Luther King


    Ruth Bonnevalle
    Phone: (297) 526-2226

    Vice Dean

    Carlos Bollen
    Phone: (297) 526-2220

    Faculty Staff

    Abida Abarkan is a lecturer at Aruba University since 2023. Before joining the University of Aruba, Abida has worked at The Hague University of Applied Sciences as lecturer; worked at the Erasmus University Rotterdam; was previously a Research Assistant at the Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law. Abida obtained her LL.B. from the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, followed by a successful completion of her LL.M. studies in international law and European law in the same university. Abida teaches the following courses: introduction to legal theory (ba1) and legal and communication skills (ba1).



    Field of expertise

    General law and jurisprudence, international law, and European law.

    From 1987 until 1992, Carlos Bollen studied law at Rijksuniversiteit Limburg (now: Maastricht University), the Netherlands and Lancaster University, England. He worked at Maastricht University as PhD student (1994-2000) and as assistant professor (2000-2007) In June 2002 he defended his PhD-thesis, titled ‘Onverschuldigde betaling door de overheid. Een onderzoek naar terugvordering door de overheid en het gebruik van privaatrecht daarbij’ (Undue payment by the government. A research on the use of private law with respect to recovery of undue payments by the government).

    As of September 1, 2007 he joined the Faculty of Law of the University of Aruba as associate professor in Private law. He became vice-dean of the faculty in August 2008, acting dean in January 2011 and was elected Dean of the faculty from September 2012 until August 2015. He became vice-dean again in September 2018 until August 2021.He is member of the Exam Committee and study advisor of the faculty. On various occasions he has been mandated as acting rector of the University.

    He teaches courses on patrimonial law and labor law. He is a member of the editorial board of the Caribisch Juristenblad (Caribbean Law Review) and the SNAAR-series, a series of books published by Boom Juridische uitgevers on the law in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

    Field of Expertise

    Patrimonial law, especially Aruban, Dutch and comparative contract law and consumer law

    Email : carlos.bollen@ua.aw

    Phone : (297) 526-2220


    Onverschuldigde betaling door de overheid. Een onderzoek naar terugvordering door de overheid en het gebruik van privaatrecht daarbij (dissertatie UM), Boom Juridische uitgevers, Den Haag 2002, XVI + 403 p.


    De muzikant als uitvoerende kunstenaar en zijn naburige rechten, Ars Aequi, september 1992, p. 447-454.

    Verknoeit het Europese recht ons Burgerlijk Wetboek? Voorstel wijziging bescherming van derden te goeder trouw en wijziging verjaringsbepalingen (met Prof.mr G.R. de Groot), Nederlands tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht, januari 1995, p. 1-10.

    De rechtsgevolgen van het verstrijken van de terugvorderingstermijnen in het sociale zekerheidsrecht, Nederlands tijdschrift voor sociaal recht, oktober 1996, p. 264-267.

    De Centrale Raad van Beroep en (privaatrechtelijke) verjaringstermijnen, Jurisprudentie Bestuursrecht, JB 1997/111, p. 495-500.

    Het arrest Groningen/Raatgever, of hoe een foute beslissing wél tot een rechtvaardige uitkomst leidt…, Nederlands tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht, september 2000, p. 302-313.

    Afbreken van onderhandelingen: de drie mythes van Plas/Valburg. Van drie fasen naar twee stadia in het onderhandelingsproces, Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie nr. 6595 (2004), p. 857-866.

    Onjuiste mededelingen en de samenloop tussen dwaling en wanprestatie: de ene mededeling is de andere niet!, Nederlands tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht, november 2004, p. 414-427.

    Walford v Miles [1992] 1 All ER 453, [1992] 2 AC 128, Nederlands tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht, oktober 2005, p. 386-392.

    The Netherlands (met T. Hartlief), European Review of Contract Law, vol. 2 (2006), no. 3, p. 406-428.

    Verweermiddelen tegen exoneraties in algemene voorwaarden die derdenwerking hebben, Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis, april 2008, p. 57-69.

    De VBA: Vrijheid voor Bedrijven op Aruba. De nieuwe vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid (met J.J.A. Hamers), Tijdschrift voor Antilliaans Recht-Justicia, nr. 1 2009, p. 18-25.

    De klachtplicht van de teleurgestelde contractant: een laatste alles-of-niets-bolwerk ontmanteld (met T. Hartlief), Nederlands Juristenblad, 2009/43, p. 2806-2812.

    De invloed van het Europees recht op het Arubaanse en Antilliaanse vermogensrecht, Tijdschrift voor Antilliaans Recht-Justicia, 2010/2, p. 118-132.

    Koop van onroerende zaken: bezint nadat ge begonnen zijt?, Tijdschrift voor Antilliaans Recht-Justicia, 2010/3-4, p. 226-232.

    Het Arubaanse voorstel met betrekking tot de koop van een onroerende zaak: weg met de bedenktijd, schakel de notaris in!, Caribisch Juristenblad 2015/1, p. 27-35.

    Toegankelijkheid van rechtspraak, rechtspraak.nl en de bijzondere zorgplicht van financiële instellingen, Caribisch Juristenblad 2015/3, p. 198-202.

    De aanvulling van het Burgerlijk Wetboek van Aruba: all quiet on the Western front?, Nederlands Juristenblad, 2017/16, p. 1093-1102.

    Betere bescherming bij timeshare via het appartementsrecht in de Caribische landen van het Koninkrijk: werkt het? (blauwe pagina’s Caribisch recht), Ars Aequi, april 2019, p. 260-261.

    Contributions in books

    The sources and backgrounds of European legal systems (met Prof.mr G.R. de Groot), in: A.S. Hartkamp, M.W. Hesselink, E.H. Hondius, C.E. Du Perron, J.B.M. Vranken (ed.), Towards a European Civil Code, Ars Aequi Libri, Nijmegen 1994, p. 97-116.

    Netherlands Nationality Law (met appendix) (met Prof.mr G.R. de Groot), in: Bruno Nascimbene (ed.), Nationality laws in the European Union, Butterworths/Giuffrè Editore, Milano 1996, p. 545-597.

    Paesi Bassi (met Prof.mr G.R. de Groot), in: Digesto, IV Edizione, vol. XIII Civile, UTET, Torino 1996, p. 221-234.

    De gevolgen van het niet nakomen van een verbintenis, in C. Bollen en H.J. de Kluiver (red.), Verbintenissenrecht geschetst (Burgerlijk recht geschetst deel 5), 1e druk, Ars Aequi Libri, Nijmegen 1998, p. 59-74;

    2e druk: C. Bollen, R.J.Q. Klomp en H. Schelhaas (red.), Ars Aequi Libri, Nijmegen 2006, p. 87-104

    3e druk: H.N Schelhaas en R.J.Q. Klomp (red.), Ars Aequi Libri, Nijmegen 2016, p. 93-109 (bewerkt in samenwerking met R.J.Q. Klomp).

    Ontbinding van de wederkerige overeenkomst, in C. Bollen en H.J. de Kluiver (red.), Verbintenissenrecht geschetst (Burgerlijk recht geschetst deel 5), Ars Aequi Libri, Nijmegen 1998, p. 75-85;

    2e druk: C. Bollen, R.J.Q. Klomp en H. Schelhaas (red.), Ars Aequi Libri, Nijmegen 2006, p. 105-115;

    3e druk: H.N Schelhaas en R.J.Q. Klomp (red.), Ars Aequi Libri, Nijmegen 2016, p. 111-121 (bewerkt in samenwerking met R.J.Q. Klomp).

    Verbintenissen uit andere bron dan onrechtmatige daad of overeenkomst, in C. Bollen en H.J. de Kluiver (red.), Verbintenissenrecht geschetst (Burgerlijk recht geschetst deel 5), Ars Aequi Libri, Nijmegen 1998, p. 136-156;

    2e druk: C. Bollen, R.J.Q. Klomp en H. Schelhaas (red.), Ars Aequi Libri, Nijmegen 2006, p. 181-203;

    3e druk: H.N Schelhaas en R.J.Q. Klomp (red.), Ars Aequi Libri, Nijmegen 2016, p. 193-215 (bewerkt in samenwerking met R.J.Q. Klomp).

    Verknoeit het Europese recht ook ons bestuursrecht? Terugvordering van in strijd met het Europese recht door de overheid verleende steun, in: M.A. Heldeweg, E.C.H.J. van der Linden en R.J.N. Schlössels (red.), Uit de school geklapt? Opstellen uit Maastricht, Sdu Uitgevers, Den Haag 1999, p. 39-63.

    Onjuiste mededelingen en de samenloop tussen dwaling en wanprestatie in Nederland: de ene mededeling is de andere niet!, in Jan Smits en Sophie Stijns (red.), Inhoud en werking van de overeenkomst naar Belgisch en Nederlands recht, Intersentia, Antwerpen 2005, p. 159-186 (ook gepubliceerd in NTBR).

    Nationality law of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in international perspective (met Prof.mr. Gerard-René de Groot), in: L.A.M.N. Barnhoorn e.a. (eds.), Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, volume XXXV 2004, T.M.C. Asser Press, The Hague 2005, p. 205-250.

    Borgtocht (met T. Hartlief), in E.H. Hondius en G.J. Rijken (red.), Handboek Consumentenrecht, 2e druk, Uitgeverij Paris, Zutphen 2006, p. 219-242;

    3e druk, Uitgeverij Paris, Zutphen 2011, p. 271-291.

    Artikelen 6:265-6:279 BW, in A.C. van Schaick, C.E. du Perron en T. Hartlief (red.), Wet en rechtspraak, Burgerlijk Wetboek, Boeken 3, 5 en 6, Kluwer, Deventer 2007, p. 1009-1021;

    2e druk, A.C. van Schaick, T.F.E. Tjong Tjin Tai en T.H.M. van Wechem (red.), Kluwer, Deventer 2009, p. 1194-1209.

    Enforcement of the duty to carry on negotiations: (should it be) a possibility in Europe or not?, in Jan Smits, Daniel Haas and Geerte Hesen (eds.), Specific performance in contract law: national and other perspectives, Intersentia, Antwerpen 2008, p. 231-251.

    The influence of European law on Aruban and Antillean patrimonial law, in V. Heutger en B.D. van der Velden (eds.), Finding the law: micro states and small jurisdictions, Eleven International Publishing, The Hague 2011, p. 13-25.

    Het recht op ontbinding revisited. Een nieuwe kans voor Tromp-Regency?, in Erik Witjens, Viola Van Bogaert en Carlos Bollen (red.), E Hofi di Ley. Feestbundel ter gelegenheid van 25 jaar Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Universiteit van Aruba, Boom Juridische uitgevers, Den Haag 2014, p. 327-340.

    Caribisch consumentenrecht (met A.M.A. Geerlof en G.J. Rijken), in E.H. Hondius en G.J. Rijken (red.), Handboek Consumentenrecht, 4e druk, Uitgeverij Paris, Zutphen 2015, p. 593-603.

    Woekerrente in Aruba, in: Olivier Vonk e.a. (red.), Grootboek. Opstellen aangeboden aan Prof.mr. Gerard-René de Groot ter gelegenheid van zijn afscheid als hoogleraar rechtsvergelijking en internationaal privaatrecht aan de Universiteit Maastricht, Wolters Kluwer, Deventer 2016, p. 81-98.

    9. HR 4 februari 2000 (Kwidama/Raphael-Richardson), in: M.V.R. Snel, P.S. Bakker en M.A. Loth (red.), Caribisch vermogensrecht geannoteerd, Den Haag: Boom Juridisch 2020, p.113-128.

    HR 29 oktober 2010 (Balashi/Aparicio), in: M.V.R. Snel, P.S. Bakker en M.A. Loth (red.), Caribisch vermogensrecht geannoteerd, Den Haag: Boom Juridisch 2020, p. 147-157.

    HR 3 februari 2017 en HR 17 februari 2017 (herstelarrest) (K./Aventura), in: M.V.R. Snel, P.S. Bakker en M.A. Loth (red.), Caribisch vermogensrecht geannoteerd, Den Haag: Boom Juridisch 2020, p. 227-240.

    Gem. Hof van Justitie van Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten en van Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba 23 februari 2016 (Pandbeleningsovereenkomsten), in: M.V.R. Snel, P.S. Bakker en M.A. Loth (red.), Caribisch vermogensrecht geannoteerd, Den Haag: Boom Juridisch 2020, p. 325-343.

    Gem. Hof van Justitie van Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten en van Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba 29 november 2016 en 24 juli 2018 (Woekerrente), in: M.V.R. Snel, P.S. Bakker en M.A. Loth (red.), Caribisch vermogensrecht geannoteerd, Den Haag: Boom Juridisch 2020, p. 345-365.

    Gerecht in eerste aanleg van Aruba 5 oktober 2016 (Smartengeld), in: M.V.R. Snel, P.S. Bakker en M.A. Loth (red.), Caribisch vermogensrecht geannoteerd, Den Haag: Boom Juridisch 2020, p. 435-446.

    Book review

    W.F.A. Eiselin, Teksten en toelichting op de nieuwe Algemene bijstandswet, Nederlands tijdschrift voor sociaal recht, december 1995, p. 385.

    Case notes

    CRvB 25 februari 1997, Uitspraken Sociale Zekerheid, USZ 1997/81.

    CRvB 10 maart 1999, Jurisprudentie Bestuursrecht, JB 1999/111 (met R.J.N. Schlössels).

    CRvB 10 maart 1999, Uitspraken Sociale Zekerheid, USZ 1999/158.

    HR 17 december 1999, RvdW 2000, 5 (Groningen/Raatgever), Nederlands tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht, februari 2000, p. 85-87.

    Rechtbank Leeuwarden 21 april 2000, Jurisprudentie Bestuursrecht, JB 2000/173.

    HR 7 mei 2004, C03/014HR, JWB @ctueel 2004-171 (eiseres/Gemeente Den Haag), Nederlands tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht, september 2004, p. 338-340.

    Een belangrijk arrest over afbreken van onderhandelingen dat weinig nieuws brengt, Nederlands tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht, februari 2006, p. 62-69.

    HR 29 februari 2008, Jurisprudentie Onderneming & Recht, JOR 2008/145.

    Rechtbank ’s-Gravenhage 16 april 2008, Jurisprudentie Aansprakelijkheid, JA 2008/92.

    Annotatie bij Gemeenschappelijk Hof van Justitie van Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten en van Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba 23 februari 2016, ECLI:NL:OGHAMB:2016:6 (La Estrella America N.V./T.), Caribisch Juristenblad 2016/2, p. 134-147.

    De bijzondere zorgplicht van financiële instellingen bij hypothecair krediet aan consumenten nu en in de nabije toekomst. Annotatie bij Gemeenschappelijk Hof van Justitie van Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten en van Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba 22 maart 2016, ECLI:NL:OGHAMB:2016:77 (Fatum Life Aruba/Pietersz), Caribisch Juristenblad 2017/2, p. 157-166.

    Woekerrente. Het Hof op een dwaalweg. Annotatie bij Gemeenschappelijk Hof van Justitie 29 november 2016, ECLI:NL:OGHACMB: 2016:158 (tussenvonnis) en 24 juli 2018, ECLI:NL:OGHACMB:2018:122 (eindvonnis), Caribisch Juristenblad 2018/4, p. 291-305.


    Redactie (met H.J. de Kluiver), Verbintenissenrecht geschetst (Burgerlijk recht geschetst deel 5), Ars Aequi Libri, Nijmegen 1998.

    Redactie (met R.J.Q. Klomp en H. Schelhaas), Verbintenissenrecht geschetst, 2e druk, Ars Aequi Libri, Nijmegen 2006, 227 p.

    Redactie (met J.J.A. Hamers), Wetgeving Arubaans privaatrecht 2010/2012, Boom Juridische uitgevers, Den Haag 2010, 730 p.

    Redactie (met Erik Witjens en Viola Van Bogaert), E Hofi di Ley. Feestbundel ter gelegenheid van 25 jaar Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Universiteit van Aruba, Boom Juridische uitgevers, Den Haag 2014, XVI + 500 p.

    Ruth Bonnevalle-Kok obtained her Law degree from Leiden University (The Netherlands) in 2000. In 1999/2000 she was a legal intern at the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. From 2001 until 2006 she worked as a Ph.D. student/lecturer at the University of Amsterdam and was a visiting scholar at both the Max Planck Institute in Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany) and Columbia Law School (New York). In 2007 she received her Ph.D. from Amsterdam University for her doctoral thesis on Statutory Limitations in International Criminal Law (Cambridge University Press, 2007). In 2006 she served as a senior legal officer at the International Crimes Unit of the Office of the Examining Magistrate at the District Court in The Hague. From 2008 until 2014 she was a Member of the Legal Research Office (Section Criminal Law) of the Supreme Court of The Netherlands. From 2011 to 2015 she served as a Substitute Judge at the district courts of both Alkmaar and Amsterdam. From 2014 until 2016 she served as (Senior) Legal Advisor at the Legal and Operational Affairs Department of the Ministry of Security and Justice of The Netherlands. She joined the University of Aruba in February 2017.

    Ruth Bonnevalle-Kok teaches the following courses: Straf-en Strafprocesrecht (ba2), Verdiepend strafrecht (ba3), Internationaal Recht (ba2), OM Nationale Requireerwedstrijd (2017, 2018, 2019), International Criminal Law (master)

    Ruth Bonnevalle-Kok is a member of the Supervisory Board of the Korrectie Instituut Aruba (KIA).

    Ruth Bonnevalle-Kok is Vice-Editor-in-Chief of the Hague Journal of International Law

    Field of Expertise

    Aruban Criminal Law and the Law of Criminal Procedure, International Criminal Law

    Email : ruth.bonnevalle@ua.aw

    Phone : 297) 526-2222


    Boeken/ bijdragen in boeken:

    Wetenschappelijk artikelen in juridische tijdschriften:

    • De Hoge Raad in strafzaken uit het Caribisch deel van het Koninkrijk, Caribisch Juristenblad sinds 2018, (deel 3, 4), 2019 (deel 1, 2, 3 en 4), 2020 (deel 1 en 2, 3 en 4), 2021 (deel 1 en 2)
    • Bijdrage aan publicatie van C. Lorenz, “De Nederlandse koloniale herinnering en de universele mensenrechten, de casus Rwagade”, JRG. 128, NO. 1, 2015
    • Recensie proefschrift van K.J. Heller, “The Nuremberg Military Tribunals and the Origins of International Criminal Law” (Oxford University Press, 2011), pp. 509 in: RMThemis oktober 2013 (nr 5)
    • Samen met E. Dinjens en D.J. Laman, “De berechting van oorlogsmisdrijven anno 2008”, De Militaire Spectator, maart 2008
    • “De onverjaarbaarheid van internationale misdrijven”, juli/augustus Ars Aequi 615-618 (2007)
    • Samen met J. Temminck Tuinstra, driewekelijkse rubriek ‘Advocaten voor Advocaten’ in Het Advocatenblad (2004- 2005)
    • Samen met Prof. H.G. van der Wilt, “Kanttekeningen bij de straftoemeting voor het Joegoslavië Tribunaal”, 1 Strafblad, Het nieuwe Tijdschrift voor Strafrecht 53-63 (2004)
    • “Levenslange gevangenisstraf en het Joegoslavië Tribunaal”, in 33/9 Delikt en Delinkwent, Tijdschrift voor Strafrecht, afdeling Rechtspraak 1059-1071 (2003)
    • “Strafbare samenspanning of conspiracy tot het plegen van genocide; de interpretatie van het Rwanda Tribunaal”, in: De Joegoslavië en Rwanda Tribunalen; impact op het Nederlandse strafrecht (Amsterdam: Vossiuspers 2002), 1-16

    Congressen (key-note speaker):

    • Key-note speaker: “A Dutch approach towards the national adjudication of international crimes”, VU Conference on Pluralism and/or Harmonization in International Criminal Law (2012)
    • Key-note speaker Chair NJCM Symposium: “De Wet Internationale Misdrijven anno 2009” (2009)
    • Key-note speaker: “Obstacles to prosecute crimes committed in the past, immunities, amnesties and statutes of limitation”, Hague forum for judicial expertise – The Hague / Nepal, (2009)
    • Key-note speaker over verjaring van oorlogsmisdrijven op Symposium Konrad Adenauer Foundation ‘Persecución penal nacional de crímenes internacionales desde una perspectiva internacional’ in Montevideo (Uruguay) (2003)

    In 1983 Herman E. Bröring (1959, Stadskanaal, the Netherlands) graduated in Dutch law (public, private and social-economic law). From 1982 till 1985 he was researcher environmental and procedural law, from 1985 till 1993 assistant professor administrative law. After his doctor’s degree in 1993 he became associate professor administrative law. From 2002 till 2009 he was director research institute / graduate school of the law faculty. Since 2003 Bröring was full professor integrative law studies, since 2018 he holds the chair administrative law.

    The PhD-thesis of prof. Bröring (Groningen 1993, cum laude (highest degree); Amsterdam 1995, Stibbe Award) concerns a category of soft public law: non-statutory rules, quasi-legislation, administrative rules, policy rules, codes of practice, guidelines, et cetera. Prof. Bröring is participating in the research program Public Trust and Public Law and in the Groningen Centre for European Financial Services Law.

    Since 1985 prof. Bröring is lecturer in diverse aspects of administrative law, for bachelor and master students. Since the start in the Netherlands of honors programs and the graduate school (about 2005) he had several years a special concern with the education of excellent students. He gives post academic courses for, inter alia, the judicature and civil servant trainee education programs. He is visiting professor administrative law at the University of Aruba.

    Prof. Bröring participates in the editorial board of, inter alia, JBplus (chair, Sdu) and Module algemeen bestuursrecht (member, Wolters Kluwer). He is member of several management, supervision and objections committees. He is deputy chairman of The Netherlands Board on Research Integrity (LOWI, Amsterdam)

    Field of Expertise

    Administrative law, public organization law, decision-making, soft law, law enforcement, administrative procedural law, public trust and public

    Email : h.e.broring@rug.nl

    Phone : (297) 526-2220


    Many books, articles, case notes and reviews, media performance, et cetera. Concerning the Caribbean countries and territories of the Kingdom of The Netherlands, inter alia:

    Herman Bröring, Eric Mijts, Language Planning and Policy, ‘Law and (Post)Colonial Relations in Small Island States: A Case Study’, Social Inclusion 2017, Volume 5, Issue 4, p. 29-37, https://www.cogitatiopress.com/socialinclusion/article/view/1134.

    H.E. Bröring, O.O. Cherednychenko, H.G. Hoogers, G. Karapetian, ‘In-Depth Analysis of the Legal, Political and Institutional Framework on Offshore Practices Related to Money

    Laundering, Tax Evasion and Tax Transparency in the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) of the Kingdom of the Netherlands’, in: Isabelle Ioannides, Jan Tymowski, Tax evasion, money laundering and tax transparency in the EU Overseas Countries and Territories, Ex-Post Impact Assessment, Commissioned by the Directorate General for Parliamentary Research Services (DG EPRS), Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value. Brussels, april 2017, p. II 93-II 144. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2017/593803/EPRS_STU%282017%29593803_EN.pdf.

    Heinrich Winter, Herman Bröring, Niko Struiksma, Gert Blekkenhorst, Jur van der Velde, Nicolette Woestenburg, Christine Veen, Roel Bottema, Vijf jaar Caribisch Nederland. De werking van wetgeving, Groningen: Pro Facto, 2015, 172 p. (Achtergrondstudie voor het Rapport van de commissie evaluatie uitwerking van de nieuwe staatkundige structuur Caribisch Nederland (Commissie Spies), Vijf jaar verbonden: Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, Saba en Europees Nederland.)


    H.E. Bröring, D. Kochenov, H.G. Hoogers, J.H. Jans (red.), Schurende rechtsordes. Over de Europese Unie, het Koninkrijk en zijn Caribische gebieden, Groningen: Europa Law Publishing, 2008; 333 p.; zie voor versie Staatssecretaris BZK en Tweede Kamer: http://www.minbzk.nl//onderwerpen/de-nederlandse/publicaties/114245/eindrapportage

    ‘UPG als wenkend perspectief en juridische werkelijkheid’, WPNR, 10-17 september 2011/6898 (themanr. Caribisch Nederlands privaatrecht), p. 686-693.

    H.G. Hoogers, H.E. Bröring, D. Kochenov, ‘Staatsrechtelijke consequenties van de toekenning van een UPG-status aan de Caribische eilandgebieden’, CJB 2011/1, p. 21-38

    Dimitry Kochenov, Herman E. Bröring, Gerhard Hoogers, ‘De Caribische koninkrijksgebieden en de Europese Unie. Over de status van LGO en UPG naar Europees recht’, TAR-Justicia, 2010/1, p.10-24.

    Bespreking van M.E.B. de Haseth, L.J.J. Rogier, J. Sybesma, Landsverordening administratieve rechtspraak Curaçao (2e geheel herziene druk), SNAAR deel 26, Den Haag: Boom juridisch, 2016, CJB 2016/3, p. 208-212.

    Bespreking van J. Sybesma, Toezicht en legaliteit. Opstellen over bestuurlijk toezicht en de legaliteit van bestuurlijke bevoegdheden in de Nederlandse Antillen, diss. Universiteit van de Nederlandse Antillen, RM Themis 2013-2, p. 78-82.

    Benedicta is a researcher and lecturer of general law at the Law Faculty of the University of Aruba. Her research focuses predominantly on human rights topics related to women’s rights, social inequalities and racial discrimination.

    Field of Expertise

    Family law, Human Rights law, Women’s rights, Law and Religion

    Email : benedicta.deogratias@ua.aw

    Phone : (297) 526-2225


    B. Deogratias, Susan Rutten, De eer gekeerd. Een verkennend onderzoek naar de rol van de extended family bij de aanpak van eergerelateerd geweld in verschillende Europese Landen, Maastricht University 2020, (Rapport voor het Onderzoeksadviescommissie ‘Geweld Hoort Nergens Thuis’– Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn & Sport).

    B. Deogratias, Trapped in a religious marriage: A human rights perspective on the phenomenon of marital captivity, (Human rights research series, volume 86), Antwerp: Intersentia 2020.

    Benedicta Deogratias, Annick van den Eshof, Esther van Eijk, Pauline Kruiniger, Susan Rutten (eds.), Marital Captivity: Divorce, Religion and Human Rights, The Hague: Boom Juridische Uitgever 2019.

    B. Deogratias, ‘States’ Intervention in Islamic and Jewish Divorces: An Interference with the Freedom of Religion?’ in: B. Deogratias et. al (eds.), Marital Captivity: Divorce, Religion and Human Rights, The Hague: Boom Juridische Uitgever 2019.

    B. Deogratias, Trapped in a religious marriage: A human rights perspective on the phenomenon of marital captivity, (Diss. Maastricht University 2019).

    B. Deogratias, De vrijheid om te kunnen scheiden, (LawBlogsMaastricht 2018). https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/nl/blog/2018/08/de-vrijheid-om-te-kunnen-scheiden

    B. Deogratias, Preventie van schadelijke culturele en traditionele praktijken, (LawBlogsMaastricht 2018). https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/nl/blog/2018/09/preventie-van-schadelijke-culturele-en-traditionele-praktijken

    B. Deogratias, ‘Overcoming the public/private dichotomy that undermines women’s rights: A case study of the phenomenon of marital captivity’, African Bar Association Conference Paper, (2018).

    B. Deogratias, K. Singleton & C. Wojtalewicz, ‘Race in The Netherlands: The place of the Surinamese in contemporary Dutch society’, Humanity in Action, (2011).

    From 2000 until 2006, Miranda Gielen studied law at the University of Aruba. Immediately after graduating at the Faculty of Law of the University of Aruba she started working at the same university as a lecturer; where she teaches Civil Law at the Faculty of Law, Aruban and Dutch Family Law and International Family Law.

    Field of Expertise

    Aruban and Dutch Civil Law, Aruban and Dutch Family Law

    Email : miranda.gielen@ua.aw

    Phone : (297) 526-2224


    Voorkomen van Schijnhuwelijken, Tijdschrift voor Antilliaans Recht-Justitia (TAR-Justitisa), 2008/2, pag. 113 – 131

    M. Gielen en G.R. de Groot, Geslachtsnaamwijziging, Caribisch Juristenblad 2013/ 3, Boom Juridische uitgeverij, pag. 3 – 21

    In het belang van het kind, Overpeinzingen over de reikwijdte van artikel 3 lid 1 van het Verdrag inzake de Rechten van het Kind binnen het civiele recht, in E Hofi di Ley, feestbundel ter gelegenheid van 25 jaar Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Universiteit van Aruba 2014, Boom Juridische uitgeverij, pag. 447. – 465

    Gerard-René de Groot (born 1951) is a Professor emeritus of Maastricht University in Comparative Law and Private International Law. He studied law at University of Groningen (the Netherlands) and at the Westfälische Wilhelmsuniversität Münster (Germany). De Groot obtained the degrees Magister iuris and Doctorandus iuris at Groningen University and taught there 1974–1982. He also obtained the degree of Doctor iuris at Maastricht University. In 1982 de Groot started to teach at Maastricht University and was subsequently appointed as a professor (retired in 2016). Since 2007 he has taught at the University of Aruba (West Indies).

    Gerard-René de Groot has published books and articles on nationality law, comparative law, private international law, legal translation and the protection of regional and minority languages. He is the President of the Netherlands Comparative Law Association.

    De Groot is a Consortium member of the Global Citizenship Observatory (GLOBALCIT) and a co-Director

    of the Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE).

    As a Scientific Expert of the Council of Europe‘s Group of Specialists on Nationality, de Groot has participated in the efforts of the Council in the development of regional standards relating to the regulation of nationality.

    De Groot also prepared the Background Papers for the two Expert Meetings convened by the United Nations High Commissioners for Refugees (UNHCR) on interpreting the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, i.e. on Avoiding Statelessness resulting from Loss and Deprivation of Nationality (Tunis, Tunisia, 31 October-1 November 2013) and Preventing Statelessness among Children (Dakar, Senegal, 23–24 May 2011).

    Gerard-René de Groot was involved in the project on loss of nationality entitled Involuntary Loss of European Citizenship (ILEC) co-financed under the Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme of the European Union which led to the publication of the ILEC Guidelines Involuntary Loss of European Citizenship’ (2015) and other materials. Among others, de Groot has promoted the limitation and regulation of “quasi-loss” of nationality which is a withdrawal of nationality based on the change of nationality status and other causes which are not explicitly stipulated in the relevant laws.

    In 2016, de Groot with Olivier Vonk published the book entitled International Standards on Nationality Law: Texts, cases and materials,[3] with the assertion that while grant and withdrawal of nationality – done based on domestic law – has been traditionally considered a matter of State sovereignty and discretion, the developments in international law over recent decades have produced a growing body of “international standards” setting limits to such State discretion. The book offers the first comprehensive collection of international treaties and instruments, caselaw and other materials.

    Since December 2016, de Groot is a member of the Committee of Experts of the Council of Europe, monitoring the implementation of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.

    Field of Expertise

    Private International Law, Comparative Law, Nationality Law, Legal Translation

    Email : r.degroot@maastrichtuniversity.nl

    Phone : (297) 526-2220


    See Gerard-René de Groot, Publicatielijst/ Veröffentlichungsliste/ List of publications, Maastricht: Nexuslegal 2021, 142 p.

    Michiel A Heldeweg (1957) obtained his LL.M. (Dutch Public law) and MA (Law & Public Administration) at Groningen University (1985/1987), and his PhD at the University of Maastricht (1993) on safeguards concerning input of technical expertise in standard setting, particularly in environmental licensing. Since 2008 he is also a full professor of Law, Governance & Technology at the University of Twente (UT), the Netherlands.

    Heldeweg is involved in teaching at the University of Aruba since 2010-2011. After having taught International & European Law, and Law & Smart Regulation in the general LLM programme of the Faculty of Law, he now teaches International Environmental Law in the International Law, Regulation and Governance track of that same programme. Starting 2021-2022 he will also teach Environmental Law & Policy in the BSc. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics programme (BSc.SISSTEM). In the 1990’s Heldeweg also taught Nederlands-Antilliaans Milieurecht (Dutch-Antillian Environmental Law) at the University of the Dutch Antilles, on Curaçao.

    Heldeweg’s research is focused on the (methodology of) legal design of smart & resilient rules & regimes fostering technological and governance innovation (‘future proof’), such as through experimental regulation, institutional change and smart regulatory governance (e.g. meta-regulation, principle- and risk-based rules, and public/private certification). His research relates especially to legal governance of the energy transition, such as in community energy initiatives, and to responsible development and use of robotics, such as drones. In his work Heldeweg combines doctrinal legal study with regulatory and institutional (legal) theory.

    In the Netherlands, at the UT, Heldeweg is a member (and former head) of the section of Governance & Technology for Sustainability (CSTM), Program director of the Master in Environmental and Energy Management (MEEM), and chairman of the Committee on Scientific Integrity. He is a member of the Netherlands Institute of Governance (NIG), an associate senior member of the Ius Commune Research School (ICOS), a partner to the Netherlands Institute for Law and Governance (NILG), and leader of the European Sustainable Energy Innovation Alliance (Eseia) Working Group (4) on Energy Governance, Business Models and Legal Frameworks.

    Heldeweg’s main ancillary activity is that of honorary judge at the District Court of Overijssel (Administrative bench), the Netherlands. He was a temporary visiting professor to the Faculty of Law of the University of Sydney (Centre for Climate and Environmental law) and the Faculty of Law of Exeter University. Heldeweg is member of the editorial board of Competition and Regulation in Network Industries (CRNI), of the Journal Laws, and of the NILG book series on Market, Government & Law.

    Field of expertise

    Law, Governance & Technology: environmental law; legal governance of technological innovation (energy transition / robotics & drones); future proof regulation; institutional legal theory

    Email : m.a.heldeweg@utwente.nl

    Phone : (297) 526-2226


    See: https://people.utwente.nl/m.a.heldeweg?tab=research

    and/or https://research.utwente.nl/en/persons/michiel-a-heldeweg/publications/

    brechtje huiskes vice dean faculty of law fdr university of aruba ua

    Brechtje Huiskes obtained a Bachelor degree in Dutch Law from the University of Maastricht (The Netherlands) in 2010. She also obtained a Master degree in Dutch Law with a specialization in both criminal law and procedural law from the same University in 2012. In 2012 she also obtained a joint Master degree in International Criminal Law from Columbia University (New York, United States) and the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands). She also participated in a year long Erasmus exchange program at the University Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne.

    Brechtje has worked as attorney at law at VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne in Curacao and Aruba from 2013 up to 2020, specializing in corporate law, corporate governance and aircraft registrations. In 2020 she worked as legal specialist in real estate transactions at Johnson Notary Services. Since January 2021 she is working at the Law Faculty of the University of Aruba.

    Brechtje teaches the following courses: introduction to Aruban Constitutional and Administrative Law (ba1), Aruban Constitutional and Administrative Law (ba2), and Capita Administrative Law (ba3).

    Brechtje is a member of the Educational Committee of the University of Aruba, Vice-President of the complaints committee of the General Practitioners Association Aruba (HAVA klachtencommissie) and Secretary of the Foundation for Post Academic Education.

    Field of Expertise

    Aruban Constitutional Law and Administrative Law,

    Email : brechtje.huiskes@ua.aw

    Phone : (297) 526-2221


    Strand op vliegafstand, 11 februari 2014, Mr. Online: https://www.mr-online.nl/strand-op-vliegafstand/

    De onzichtbare berg, 3 april 2018, Mr. Online: https://www.mr-online.nl/de-onzichtbare-berg/

    Sign Language: How to Communicate Your Business to Your Buyer, 2017, second quarter, Entrepreneur Aruba: https://issuu.com/studioconte/docs/entrepreneur_2_2017

    Infrastructure of an Aruban Company, 2017, third quarter, Entrepreneur Aruba: https://issuu.com/studioconte/docs/entrepreneur_aruba_q3_2017

    Legal Steps for Construction in Aruba, 2017, fourth quarter, Entrepreneur Aruba: https://issuu.com/studioconte/docs/entrepreneur_aruba_4_2017__2_

    3 tips for Distribution Agreements, 2018, first quarter, Entrepreneur Aruba: https://issuu.com/studioconte/docs/entrepreneur_aruba_q1_2018

    6 Rules to write an Effective Demand Letter, 2018, second quarter, Entrepreneur Aruba: https://issuu.com/studioconte/docs/entrepreneur_aruba_q2_2018

    Development of Real Estate Projects, 2018, third quarter, Entrepreneur Aruba: https://indd.adobe.com/view/f8e1e67d-a533-4dd4-9e02-86187ad69b46

    Speaker at the Dutch Caribbean Gaming Regulation Forum in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.

    Chun Luk is a researcher and Assistant Professor in Private Law at the University of Aruba since March 2022. He teaches the following courses in the academic year 2022/2023: Aruban Property Law (Goederenrecht) (Ba3) and Introduction to Human Rights (Ba3).

    He obtained his a Bachelor’s (2011) and Master’s Degree in Aruban Law (2012) at the University of Aruba, as well as a Master’s Degree in International Laws at Maastricht University (2014), during which he participated at study exchange programmes at the University of Hong Kong (2013) and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2014).

    In 2017, Chun obtained his PhD in Law at Maastricht University after successfully defending his thesis entitled “Diaspora status and citizenship rights: A comparative-legal analysis of the quasi-citizenship schemes of China, India and Suriname”. The PhD research was funded under a Marie Curie Action – Initial Training Networks project called Transnational Migration, Citizenship and the Circulation of Rights and Responsibilities (TRANSMIC).

    From 2014 to 2021, Chun was working at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) in Brussels, first as a Research Assistant, and from 2017 onwards as a Researcher. At CEPS, he has conducted research on topics related to the EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (including citizenship, migration and asylum), and was involved in preparing proposals to tenders and calls for projects of European institutions.

    Field of expertise

    Chun has published on topics of asylum and migration law, human rights law, nationality law and European citizenship. He is moreover interested in research in the field of Aruban property law and legal issues of small island jurisdictions in regional and international perspectives. He is available to supervise Master’s theses in these fields of research.

    Email : chun.luk@ua.aw


    A comprehensive list of Chun’s publications can be found on his ORCID page: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2632-6637.

    Carrera, S., Luk, N.C., Mager, F. & Stefan, M. (2022), “European Union Policies on Onward and Secondary Movements of Asylum-seekers and Refugees: A Critical Overview of the EU’s Migration Management Complex”, ITFLOWS Report, Brussels, CEPS, March, https://www.ceps.eu/ceps-publications/european-union-policies-on-onward-and-secondary-movements-of-asylum-seekers-and-refugees/.

    Bayer, J., Bárd, P., Vosyliute, L. & Luk, N.C. (2021), “Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP) in the European Union: A comparative study”, EU-CITZEN Network study, Brussels, CEPS, 30 June, https://ec.europa.eu/info/files/strategic-lawsuits-against-public-participation-slapp-european-union-comparative-study_en.

    Carrera, S. & Luk, N.C. (2020), “In the name of COVID: An Assessment of the Schengen Internal Border Controls and Travel Restrictions in the EU”, Study for the EP LIBE Committee PE 659.506, Brussels, European Parliament, September, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/document/IPOL_STU(2020)659506.

    Luk, N.C. & Vankova, Z. (2020), “Study for Type B Report – Facilitation of entry and residence of ‘other family members’ of Union citizens”, Study for EU-CITZEN Network, Brussels/Maastricht, CEPS/Maastricht University, February, https://ec.europa.eu/info/files/study-extended-family-members_en.

    Luk, N.C. (2017), Diaspora status and citizenship rights: A comparative-legal analysis of the quasi-citizenship schemes of China, India and Suriname, Oisterwijk: Wolf Legal Publishers (WLP).

    Luk, N.C. (2015), ‘Doorwerking van het Europees recht in de Arubaanse rechtsorde? Over de personele werking van de VWE en VWEU in verhouding tot het Nederlanderschap op Aruba’, 4 Caribisch Juristenblad 2, pp. 84-90, https://www.openaccessadvocate.nl/tijdschrift/cjb/2015/2/CJB_2211-3266_2015_004_002_002.

    Luk, N.C. (2015), ‘The Netherlands. Combined Case Note’ , in: S. Carrera Nuñez & G.R. de Groot (eds.), European Citizenship at the Crossroads: The Role of the European Union on Loss and Acquisition of Nationality, Oisterwijk: Wolf Legal Publishers, pp. 481-494.

    fdr default staff avatar university of aruba ua

    Evert Stamhuis LLM PhD holds the chair for criminal law and procedure of the University of Aruba since 2014. Before his appointment he served this University as teacher and advisor since 1997. In the Netherlands Stamhuis holds a chair in Law & Innovation at the Erasmus School of Law in Rotterdam. His teaching and research in Aruba cover topics of criminal law and procedure. In Rotterdam his focus is on digitalization as a challenge for regulation and governance. His research is on the interaction between law, governance and new technologies, with a special focus on the public domain, health care and regulated markets.

    Field of expertise

    Criminal Law, Criminal procedure law, Cybercrime, Law, data and AI

    Email : stamhuis@law.eur.nl


    Keuning A & E F Stamhuis, Het rechtsmiddel van verzet is wat waard, Caribisch Juristenblad 2021, vol 2

    Stamhuis E F. Vlug en lenig? – De theorie en trade-offs achter innovaties bij de hoven, Rechtstreeks 2020, nr. 1, p. 91 – 96 https://www.rechtspraak.nl/SiteCollectionDocuments/rechtstreeks-2020-01.pdf

    Philipsen, S., Stamhuis, E.F. & de Jong, W.M. (2021). Legal enclaves as a test environment for innovative products: Toward legally resilient experimentation policies. Regulation & Governance, 1-16. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/rego.12375

    Van Kalken, L. & Stamhuis, E.F. (2020). Digital Equals Public. Assembly Meetings Under a Lockdown Regime. European Journal of Law Reform, 22 (4), 384-397. doi: https://doi.org/10.5553/EJLR/138723702021022004005

    Heyning, C.M. Van de, Kentgens, A. & Stamhuis, E.F. (2020). Digitale dreigingen, strafrechtelijke antwoorden. Cybercrime en cyberwarfare in het Belgische en Nederlandse strafrecht (Preadviezen NVVS). Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers (Digital Threats, Criminal Law Answers. Cybercrime and Cyberwarfare in Belgian and Dutch Criminal Law)

    Stamhuis, E.F. (2020). Cyberwarfare en actualisering van het normenkader in het staats – en strafrecht. In N.S. Efthymiou, P.W.A. Huisman & L. van Kalken (Eds.), De vele facetten van het staatsrecht. Opstellen aangeboden aan prof. dr. R. de Lange (pp. 135-151). Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers (Cyberwarfare and the modernization of the normative framework in constitutional and criminal law)

    Prifti, K, Stamhuis, E.F. & Heine K., (2021) Digging in the accountability gap. Operator’s Civil Liability in Health Care AI Systems, in B. Custers e.a. (eds.), Law and Artificial

    Intelligence. Regulating AI and Applying it in Legal Practice, Springer 2021, ch. 19

    Stamhuis E.F. (2021) Elastisch IJzerdraad; voor wanneer actoren zich achter algoritmes verschuilen, (forthcoming, accepted as bookchapter)

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